- 1 Framing
- 2 Sheating
- 3 Approved water resistive barrier
- 4 Woven wire stucco netting (self furred
20 ga) or approved expanded metal lath - 5 Ultrakote 1 concentrate or premix
(Ultrakote 1 concentrate or premix) - 6 Ultrakote prime
- 7 Ultrakote finish Duratex & Duratex HP & Ultraflex XP
Ultrakote 1 System

System Details
Ultrakote 1 Stucco System is applied at 3/8″ to1/2″ thick which makes it ideal when the design criterion is flexibility and durability is mandatory. When energy conservation is a prime factor “Ultrakote 1 Insulated System” is the system of choice, has all the desirable features plus the energy savings with the addition of the 1 1/2″ thick tongue and grove EPS foam insulation.